FPP Sonic 25 High Contrast 25 ISO 35mm x 24 exp.

  • $11.69
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Mfg: FPP

Sonic 25 is a high contrast, fine grained orthochromatic motion picture film for shooting in daylight or with daylight balanced lights. This film delivers a unique tonal range that will render red light as darker giving a different look from traditional panchromatic films.  

This unique, high contrast, extremely fine-grained blue sensitive film was manufactured for optical sound recording but will produce stunningly fine-grain images when using for pictoral images in your still camera. Expect high contrast and a slight glow and because it is an ortho film and not all tones will record the same as a normal panchromatic film. Due to its high contrast, a bounce card or fill-flash is recommended on portrait subjects.


  • Fine-grained orthochromatic motion picture film 
  • High contrast
  • Low ISO 25
  • 24 exposure rolls
  • DX coded
  • Process BW


UPC: 612385108297
Film Size 35mm
Roll Length 24 Exposure
Speed (ISO) 25 ISO
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